Yeah, not sure I’m interested in listening to someone so unaware that his tribe is also “prone to misinformation, a lack of interest in policy specifics, mindless tribalism.” Not only that, he has been trained at two of the power centers of the rancid status quo. His job is to figure out what his masters want and deliver it. Wake me up when the apparatchiks get more creative. Tired of everything and everyone who pushes back on the current ugly state of affairs branded right wing.

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Why do conservatives but not liberals understand history through philosophy and great historical forces? One factor is that conservatives feel powerless and impotent, so they are continually faced with the question of how did this come to be, how did we lose, why are we in this situation. Liberals don't feel powerless, so they focus on continuing their march forward. As a comparison, the far-left--legitimate communists--similarly feel powerless and have a similar psychological need to cope, and so they have their own theory, which is that the all-powerful force of global capitalism explains modern history, and global capital crushes everything that stands in its path.

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On primaries (28:00 or so) I'm coming to think that they should be de-normalized or whatever the right word is. I'll reply with examples and detailed reasoning in a bit.

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Coming after the Twitter Files and the exposure and continued massive unethical behavior of the mainstream media this podcast couldn’t have been released at a worse time.

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Enjoyed this very much & noticed something personally. I'm instinctively left-leaning but also nonconformist, which is what draws me much more to this search for a credible conservative intellectual frame. Conformism is indeed at work in the Great Awokening and, in my social circle, it's conformist centrists who are the problem.

Also, might it not be the case that Moral Foundations Theory accounts for the hyper-Woke world of medicine? Care/Harm being the axis I imagine motivating those who work in the field.

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